1: /*
2: ==============================================================
3: Name : File Operations
4: Author : Mujahid, Shivkumar
5: Version :
6: Copyright : Your copyright notice
7: Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style
8: ===========================================================
9: */
10: #include<stdio.h>
11: #include<stdlib.h>
12: void filecpy(char *,char *);
13: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
14: {
15: if(argc!=3)
16: { printf("invalid number of arguments");
17: exit(0);
18: }
19: filecpy(argv[1],argv[2]);
20: return 0;
21: }
22: void filecpy(char *p,char *q)
23: { FILE *f1,*f2;
24: char c[200];
25: f1=fopen(p,"r");
26: f2=fopen(q,"w");
27: if(f1==NULL)
28: { printf("no such file");
29: exit(0);
30: }
31: while(fgets(c,200,f1)!=NULL)
32: fputs(c,f2);
33: fclose(f1);
34: fclose(f2);
35: }
36: -------------OUTPUT--------------
37: After Execution Contents of files are :
38: Source.txt
39: We are pictians.
40: Destination.txt
41: We are pictians.
42: #include<stdio.h>
43: #include<stdlib.h>
44: void count(char *);
45: int main(void)
46: { char path[100];
47: printf("enter path of the file to be read");
48: scanf("%s",path);
49: count(path);
50: return 0;
51: }
52: void count(char *p)
53: { FILE *f1,*f2;
54: int c=0,w=1,s=0,n=0;
55: char ch;
56: f1=fopen(p,"r");
57: if(f1==NULL)
58: { printf("\nInvalid path");
59: exit(0);
60: }
61: ch=fgetc(f1);
62: while(ch!=EOF)
63: { c++;
64: if(ch=='.')
65: n++;
66: if (ch==32)
67: { s++;
68: w++;
69: }
70: if(ch=='\n')
71: w++;
72: ch=fgetc(f1);
73: }
74: f2=fopen("data.txt","w");
75: fprintf(f2,"Number of characters: %d",c);
76: fprintf(f2,"\nNumber of space: %d",s);
77: fprintf(f2,"\nNumber of sentences: %d",n);
78: fprintf(f2,"\nNumber of words: %d",w);
79: fclose(f1);
80: printf("\nAll the counts written to data.txt in current directory");
81: }
82: --------OUTPUT--------
83: After execution contents of files are:
84: Source.txt
85: We are pictians.
86: Destination.txt
87: Number of characters: 17
88: Number of space: 2
89: Number of sentences: 1
90: Number of words: 4
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