Saturday, 27 September 2014

How to install eclipse in ubuntu 12.04

Eclipse installation in ubuntu 12.04 is very simple . you can install eclipse using “software center” but you may not get the latest version, better download the latest version and install manually . Here we can see how to install eclipse in ubuntu manually .
install eclipse ubuntu 12.04

Installing eclipse in ubuntu 12.04

Step 1 » Before installing eclipse you need to install java , you can either install JRE or JDK .
krizna@leela:~$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
If you are going to use eclipse for java development, then you can install JDK
krizna@leela:~$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Step 2 » Download the latest eclipse package from here
Step 3 » move the package to the /opt directory
krizna@leela:~$ sudo mv eclipse-SDK-4.2.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz /opt/
Step 4 » Unzip the package by typing the below command
krizna@leela:~$ cd /opt
krizna@leela /opt:~$ sudo tar -xvf eclipse-SDK-4.2.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
Step 5 » Create a new desktop file eclipse.desktop in /usr/share/applications/ and add the below lines .
Step 6 » Now goto /usr/share/applications and find eclipse.desktop file for launching eclipse , you can drag this file to the launcher.
install eclipse ubuntu 12.04

All PL Assignments

Download All PL Assignments

PL Assignment 11 : Doubly Linked List

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Doubly Linked List  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #include<stdlib.h>  
12:  typedef struct dnode  
13:  {  
14:       int data;  
15:       struct dnode *next,*prev;  
16:  }dnode;  
17:  dnode *creat();  
18:  dnode *insert_b(dnode *head,char x);  
19:  dnode *insert_e(dnode *head,char x);  
20:  dnode *insert_m(dnode *head,char x);  
21:  dnode *delete_b(dnode *head);  
22:  dnode *delete_e(dnode *head);  
23:  dnode *delete_m(dnode *head);  
24:  void displayforward(dnode *head);  
25:  void displaybackward(dnode *head);  
26:  void main()  
27:  {  
28:       int m,n,choice;  
29:       char x;  
30:       dnode *head;  
31:       //clrscr();  
32:       head=creat();  
33:       displayforward(head);  
34:       do  
35:       {  
36:            printf("\n_________________________________________________________\n");  
37:            printf("1. Insert\n2. Delete\n3. Display Forward\n4. Display Backward\n");  
38:            printf("Enter Your choice: ");  
39:            scanf("%d",&n);  
40:            printf("\n");  
41:            switch(n)  
42:            {  

PL Assignment 10 : Polynomial

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Polynomial Using CLL  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #include<stdlib.h>  
12:  struct node  
13:  {  
14:       float coef;  
15:       int expo;  
16:       struct node *next;  
17:  };  
18:  struct node *create(struct node *);  
19:  struct node *insert_s(struct node *,float,int);  
20:  struct node *insert(struct node *,float,int);  
21:  void display(struct node *ptr);  
22:  void poly_add(struct node *,struct node *);  
23:  void poly_mult(struct node *,struct node *);  
24:  int main( )  
25:  {  
26:       int op;  
27:       struct node *start1=NULL,*start2=NULL;  
28:  do{  
29:       printf("1.Create\n2.Display\n3.Addition\n4.Multiplication\n5.Exit\nEnter Option : ");  
30:       scanf("%d",&op);  
31:       switch(op)  
32:       {  
33:       case 1:  
34:         printf("Enter polynomial 1 :\n");  
35:            start1=create(start1);  
36:            printf("Enter polynomial 2 :\n");  
37:            start2=create(start2);  
38:            printf("\nPolynomial 1 is : ");  
39:            display(start1);  
40:            printf("\nPolynomial 2 is : ");  
41:            display(start2);  
42:            break;  
43:       case 2:  
44:            printf("\nPolynomial 1 is : ");  
45:            display(start1);  
46:            printf("\nPolynomial 2 is : ");  
47:            display(start2);  
48:            break;  
49:       case 3:  
50:            poly_add(start1, start2);  
51:            break;  
52:       case 4:  
53:            poly_mult(start1, start2);  
54:            break;  
55:       case 5:  
56:            exit(0);  

PL Assignment 9 : Singly Linked List

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Singly Linked List  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #include<stdlib.h>  
12:  struct node  
13:  {     int data;  
14:       struct node *link;  
15:  };  
16:  void display(struct node *);  
17:  void add(struct node **,int);  
18:  void addn(struct node **,int,int);  
19:  void delete(struct node**,int);  
20:  void reverse(struct node *);  
21:  struct node *rreverse(struct node *head);  
22:  int main(void)  
23:  {     struct node *p=NULL;  
24:       int n,n1,n2;  
25:       do  
26:       {     printf("\n1.Add element\n2.Add at a particular location\n3.delete an element\n4.print the list\n5.print list reverse\n6.print reverse(recursion)\nenter your choice");  
27:            scanf("%d",&n);  
28:            switch(n)  
29:            {     case 1:  
30:                 {     printf("\nenter element");  
31:                      scanf("%d",&n1);  
32:                      add(&p,n1);  
33:                 }break;  
34:                 case 2:  
35:                 {     printf("\nenter element");  
36:                      scanf("%d",&n1);  
37:                      printf("\nat what location do you want to add?");  
38:                      scanf("%d",&n2);  
39:                      addn(&p,n1,n2);  
40:                 }break;  
41:                 case 3:  
42:                 {     printf("\nenter element");  
43:                      scanf("%d",&n1);  
44:                      delete(&p,n1);  
45:                 }break;  

PL Assignment 8 : Sparse Matrix

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Sparse Matrix   
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #define MAX 30  
12:  void creat(int a[10][10],int m,int n);  
13:  void sparse(int a[10][10],int m,int n,int b[MAX][3]);  
14:  void print(int b[MAX][3]);  
15:  void addition(int b1[MAX][3],int b2[MAX][3],int b3[MAX][3]);  
16:  void transpose(int [][3],int [][3]);  
17:  void fast_transpose(int [MAX][3],int [MAX][3]);  
18:  void main()  
19:  {  
20:     int a[10][10],b1[MAX][3],b2[MAX][3],b3[MAX][3];  
21:     int m1,n1,m2,n2,choice,op;  
22:     printf("Enter First Matrix:");  
23:     printf("\nEnter number of rows and column:\n");  
24:     scanf("%d%d",&m1,&n1);  
25:     creat(a,m1,n1);  
26:     sparse(a,m1,n1,b1);  
27:     printf("\n\nEnter Second Matrix:");  
28:     printf("\nEnter number of rows and column:\n");  
29:     scanf("%d%d",&m2,&n2);  
30:     creat(a,m2,n2);  
31:     sparse(a,m2,n2,b2);  
32:     printf("\nYour First Sparse Matrix:");  
33:     print(b1);  
34:     printf("\n\nYour Second Sparse Matrix:");  
35:     print(b2);  
36:     do  
37:     {  
38:        printf("\n_______________________________________________________");  
39:        printf("\nChoose the operation which do you want to perform: ");  
40:        printf("\n 1.Addition\n 2.Simple Transpose\n 3.Fast Transpose\n");  
41:        printf("Your choice is: ");  
42:        scanf("%d",&choice);  
43:        switch(choice)  
44:        {  
45:        case 1:  
46:             if(m1==m2 && n1==n2)  
47:             {  
48:               printf("\nAddition of Sparse Matrix:\n");  
49:               addition(b1,b2,b3);  
50:               print(b3);  
51:             }  

PL Assignment 7 : Quick sort recursively

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Mobile Information  
4:   Author   : Shivkumar, Mujahid  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #include<string.h>  
12:  typedef struct mobile  
13:  {  
14:    char mobile_no[11];  
15:    int bal;  
16:    char name[20];  
17:  }mobile;  
18:  void creat(mobile st[],int n);  
19:  void insert(mobile st[],int position,int n);  
20:  void del(mobile st[],int position,int n);  
21:  int search(mobile st[],char mobile_no[],int n);  
22:  void print(mobile st[],int n);  
23:  void sort_bal(mobile st[],int n);  
24:  void sort_name(mobile st[],int n);  
25:  void modify(mobile st[],int n);  
26:  /*---- Main Function ----*/  
27:  void main()  
28:  {  
29:    mobile st[20];  
30:    int n,position,choice,count;  
31:    char mobile_no[15];  
32:    printf("\nEnter number of mobile: ");  
33:    scanf("%d",&n);  
34:    creat(st,n);  
35:    print(st,n);  
36:    do  
37:    {  
38:     printf("--------------------------------------------------------------");  
39:     printf("\nChoose the operation which do you want to perform: ");  
40:     printf("\n 1.Insert\n 2.Print\n 3.Delete\n 4.Search\n 5.Sort By bal(Descending Order)\n ");  
41:     printf("6.Sort By Name(Ascending Order)\n 7.Modify\n");  
42:     printf("Your choice is: ");  
43:     scanf("%d",&choice);  
44:     switch(choice)  
45:     {  
46:      case 1:  

PL Assignment 6 : Searching and Sorting of students information

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : Student Information  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdlib.h>  
11:  #include<string.h>  
12:  #include<stdio.h>  
13:  #include<ctype.h>  
14:  #include<math.h>  
15:  typedef struct student  
16:  {     char name[30];  
17:       int roll_no;  
18:       long long int mob;  
19:       char address[100];  
20:  }stud;  
21:  void ip(stud *,int);  
22:  void sort_asc(stud *,int);  
23:  void sort_ascn(stud *,int);  
24:  void sort_des(stud *,int);  
25:  void print(stud *,int);  
26:  void swap(stud *,stud *);  
27:  void search(stud *,int,int);  
28:  int main(void)  
29:  {     int n,i,j;  
30:       printf("How many records will you enter?");  
31:       scanf("%d",&n);  
32:       if(n<=0)  
33:       {     printf("\nenter valid numbers!");  
34:            exit(0);  
35:       }  
36:       stud *s=(stud *)malloc(n*sizeof(stud)),*s1,*s2;  
37:       ip(s,n);  
38:       do  
39:       {     printf("\n1.Sort in ascending order\n2.Sort in descending order\n3.Search\nEnter your choice");  
40:            scanf("%d",&j);  
41:            switch(j)  
42:            {     case 1:  
43:                 {     s1=s;  
44:                      sort_asc(s1,n);  
45:                      //print(s1,n);  
46:                 }break;  

PL Assignment 5 : File operations using command line argument

1:  /*  
2:   ==============================================================  
3:   Name    : File Operations  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ===========================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include<stdio.h>  
11:  #include<stdlib.h>  
12:  void filecpy(char *,char *);  
13:  int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
14:  {  
15:       if(argc!=3)  
16:       {     printf("invalid number of arguments");  
17:            exit(0);  
18:       }  
19:       filecpy(argv[1],argv[2]);  
20:       return 0;  
21:  }  
22:  void filecpy(char *p,char *q)  
23:  {     FILE *f1,*f2;  
24:       char c[200];  
25:       f1=fopen(p,"r");  
26:       f2=fopen(q,"w");  
27:       if(f1==NULL)  
28:       {     printf("no such file");  
29:            exit(0);  
30:       }  
31:       while(fgets(c,200,f1)!=NULL)  
32:            fputs(c,f2);  
33:       fclose(f1);  
34:       fclose(f2);  
35:  }  

PL Assignment 4 : Array of structure

1:  /*  
2:   ============================================================================  
3:   Name    : Array Of Structure  
4:   Author   : Mujahid, Shivkumar  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ============================================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include <stdio.h>  
11:  #include <stdlib.h>  
12:  #define max 10  
13:  typedef struct  
14:  {  
15:       char name[30];  
16:       int rollno;  
17:       char mobno[10];  
18:  }student;  
19:  int getdata(student *s)  
20:       {  
21:       int i,n;  
22:       printf("Enter the number of students : \n");  
23:       scanf("%d",&n);  
24:       for(i=0;i<n;i++)  
25:       {  
26:            printf("Enter name : \n");  
27:            scanf("%s",&(s+i)->name);  
28:            (s+i)->rollno=valid_roll(s,i);  
29:            valid_mob(s,i);  
30:       }  
31:       return i;  
32:  }  
33:       int valid_roll(student *s,int n)  
34:       {  
35:            int i,roll;  
36:            printf("Enter roll number\n");  
37:            scanf("%d",&roll);  
38:            if(roll<0)  
39:            {  

PL Assignment 3 : String Operations

1:  /*  
2:   ============================================================================  
3:   Name    : String Operations  
4:   Authors   : Shivkumar, Mujahid  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ============================================================================  
9:   */  
10:  #include <stdio.h>  
11:  #define max 10  
12:  int length(char*);  
13:  void copy(char*,char*);  
14:  int palindrome(char*);  
15:  void reverse(char*);  
16:  int compare(char*,char*);  
17:  void concat(char*,char*);  
18:  void substr(char*,char*);  
19:  int main()  
20:  {  
21:       char s1[max],s2[max];  
22:       char *str1,*str2;  
23:       int ch,len,comp,temp,i;  
24:       do  
25:       {  
26:            printf("\nMENU\n");  
27:            printf("1. Length of String\n");  
28:            printf("2. Copy\n");  
29:            printf("3. Palindrome\n");  
30:            printf("4. Reverse\n");  
31:            printf("5. Compare\n");  
32:            printf("6. Concatenate\n");  
33:            printf("7. Substring\n");  
34:            printf("0. Exit\n");  
35:            printf("\nEnter choice :\n");  
36:            scanf("%d",&ch);  
37:            printf("Enter String :\n");  
38:            scanf("%s",&s1);  
39:            str1=s1;     //Assigns value to str1 of s1;  
40:            printf("Entered String : %s",s1);  
41:            switch(ch)  
42:            {  
43:            case 1:     len=length(str1);  
44:                      printf("\nLength of String : %d\n",len);  
45:                      break;  
46:            case 2:     printf("\nCopy :\n");  
47:                      copy(str2,str1);  
48:                      printf("\nCopied String : %s",str2);  
49:                      break;  
50:            case 3: temp=palindrome(str1);  
51:                      if(temp==1)  
52:                           printf("\n%s is not a Palindrome",str1);  
53:                      else  
54:                           printf("\n%s is a Palindrome",str1);  
55:                      break;  
56:            case 4: reverse(str1);  
57:                      printf("\nReversed String : %s",str1);  
58:                      reverse(str1);//For getting the original string back  
59:                      break;  
60:            case 5: printf("\nEnter second string :\n");  
61:                      scanf("%s",&s2);  
62:                      str2=s2;     //Assigning Char value to Pointer  
63:                      printf("\nEntered String : %s",str2);  
64:                      comp=compare(str1,str2);  
65:                      if(comp==0)  

PL Assignment 2 : Matrix Operations

1:  /*  
2:   ============================================================================  
3:   Name    : Matrix Operations  
4:   Authors   : Shivkumar, Mujahid  
5:   Version   :  
6:   Copyright  : Your copyright notice  
7:   Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style  
8:   ============================================================================  
9:   */  
10:  int *input(int **mat,int *row,int *col)  
11:  {  
12:       int i,j;  
13:       printf("\nEnter Number of Rows and columns :\n");  
14:       scanf("%d%d",row,col);  
15:       mat=malloc(*row * sizeof(int*));  
16:       for(i=0;i<*row;i++)  
17:       {  
18:            mat[i]=malloc(*col * sizeof(int*)); //While using malloc use m[i] instead of *(m+i)  
19:            if(mat[i]==0)//While using malloc use m[i] instead of *(m+i)  
20:            {  
21:                 printf("\nMemory can not be alloted.\n");  
22:                 return 0;  
23:            }  
24:       }  
25:       printf("\nEnter Elements :\n");  
26:       for(i=0;i<*row;i++)  
27:            for(j=0;j<*col;j++)  
28:            {  
29:                 scanf("%d",(*(mat+i)+j));  
30:                 //     printf("%d\n",*(*(mat+i)+j));  
31:            }  
32:       return(mat);  
33:  }  
34:  void display(int **mat,int row,int col)  
35:  {  
36:        int i,j;  
37:       printf("\nMatrix :");  
38:       printf("\nRow : %d Col : %d",row,col);  
39:       for(i=0;i<row;i++)  
40:       {  
41:            printf("\n");  
42:            for(j=0;j<col;j++)  
43:                 printf(" %d ",*(*(mat+i)+j));  
44:       }  

PL Assignment 1 : Set Operations Using Array

1:  /* 
2:   * Title : Set Operations Using Array 
3:   * 
4:   * Author : Shivkumar, Mujahid 
5:   * 
6:   */ 
7:  #include<stdio.h> 
8:  int uni(int a[10],int b[10],int k,int l); 
9:  int inter(int a[10],int b[10],int k,int l); 
10:  int diff(int a[10],int b[10],int k,int l); 
11:  int symdiff(int a[10],int b[10],int k,int l); 
12:  /*----- Main Function -----*/ 
13:  int main() 
14:  { 
15:    int a[10],b[10],i,j,k,l,choice,count; 
16:    printf("Enter number of elements in set A: ",k); 
17:    scanf("%d",&k); 
18:    printf("Enter elements in set A: "); 
19:    printf("\n"); 
20:    for(i=0;i<k;i++) 
21:    scanf("%d",&a[i]); 
22:    printf("\nEnter number of elements in set B: ",l); 
23:    scanf("%d",&l); 
24:    printf("Enter elements in first set B:"); 
25:    printf("\n"); 
26:    for(i=0;i<l;i++) 
27:    scanf("%d",&b[i]); 
28:    do 
29:    { 
30:     printf("\n---------------------------------------------------------------"); 
31:     printf("\nChoose the operation which you want to perform:"); 
32:     printf("\n 1.Union\n 2.Intersection\n 3.Difference\n 4.Symmetric difference\n 5.Exit",choice); 
33:     printf("\nYour choice is: "); 
34:     scanf("%d",&choice); 
35:     printf("\n\n"); 
36:     switch(choice) 

Ads Inside Post